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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 5È£ p.8 ~ 612
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ÇÑÈÄ Àû¿ëµÇ´Â °æÃßü ³»°íÁ¤±â±â´Â 1964³â Bohler°¡ óÀ½ ¼Ò°³ÇÑÈÄ 1970³â Orozco ¹×
Llovlet´Â HÆÇÀ» °í¾ÈÇÏ¿´°í 1980³â´ë ÃÊ ¾çÇÇÁú ³ª»ç¸ø(bicorti-cal screw)À» »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â
CasparÆÇÀÌ ³Î¸® »ç¿ëµÇ¾ú´Ù. ÀÌ ÈÄ 1986³â Morscher´Â ´ÜÇÇÁú ³ª»ç¸ø(unicortical screw),
³ª»ç¸ø°ú ÆÇÀ» ´Ü´ÜÈ÷ ºÎÂø½ÃÅ°´Â anchoring ³ª»ç¸øÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ´Â CSLP systemÀ» ¸¸µé¾ú°í
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Anterior cervical fusion without internal fixation destabilizes an already unstable spine
and can result in tenuous bone graft stability potential for incorporation. Anterior fusion
of cervical spine with screw-plates is gaining in popularity in the management of
anterior vervical spine instability. Eighty six cases that underwent anterior fusion with
or without internal fixation and autogenous iliac bone graft were compared and analyzed.
The pathologies included 40 cases of csrvical disc discase. 43 of cervical spondylosis
and 3 of ossification posterior iongitudinal ligament. Changes in the alignment of the
total cervical spine and of the fused segment were valuaated in both groups.
Dislodgement of the grafted bone. which was observed in 2 11 cases in the nonplate
group. was not seen in the plate group Hardware failure developed in 3 of 24 cases in
the bicortical group. but not 51 cases in the unicortical group. Alignment of the cervical
spine was corrected relatively well mainintained in the plate group compared with the
nonplate group. We concluded that a unicortical screw fixation was superior than a
bicortical screw and a fusion without plating system could not keep a cervical lordotic
curve in the treatment of the degenerative cervical disease.


Anterior cervical fusion; Unicortical screw; Bicortical screw; Degenerative cervical disease.;

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