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Viewing Wand'ÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû Àû¿ë ¹× Àå´ÜÁ¡ Clinical Application of Frameless Stereotaxy

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 5È£ p.12 ~ 642
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The Viewing Wand is a frameless stereotactic device to provide image-based
intraoperative navigation. allowing accurate neurosurgical planning and procedures. The
authors applied the frameless stereotactic device called 'ISG Viewing Wand' to 30 cases
of intracranial Iesions and evaluated for its usefulness and limitation.
The Viewing Wand was used in 3 cases in conjunction with CT and 27 cases with
MRI. The actual error of this after the registration was judged by the operating surgeon
to be less 2§® in CT or MR image. The useful registrations were possible in 25(83%)
out of 30 cases. But it was not useful in 5 cases. because of movement of fiducial
markers in 2 cases and head movement after registration in 3 cases. In 25 cases having
useful registration. the wand was helpful to localize the lesion for designing the scalp
incision and bone flap. as well as the extent of surgical resection of lesions. As a
whole. the viewing wand was found to be reliable and accurate. The system is a useful
navigational aid that allows a direct approach to intracranial pathology without the
drawbacks of application and the limitations of a frame-based stereotaactic device.


Frameless stereotaxy; viewing wand; Registration;

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