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Phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging techniques can be used to evaluate the
to-and-fro motion of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) throughout CSF pathways between the
ventricles and subarachnoid space of the brain and spine. This CSF motion is due to
transmitted cardiac from systolis expansion of the cerebral hemispheres. To cover the
entire cycle. paripheral cardiac triggering was used. Using this technique. we analyzed
quantitative CSF motion over a cardiac cycle to distinguish normal CSF flow from that
seen in hydrocephalus.
We tested the reproducibility of the aqueductal CSF signal intensity on a phass
contrast cine MR sequence in 28 patients with normal ventricle. Sixteen patients with
obstructive hydrocephalus and 11 patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus(NPH)
were investigated with the sequence before and after CSF diversion.
The peak CSF flow velocity in aqueduct was significantly increased in patients with
NPH and significantly decreased in patients with obstructive hydrocephalus(NPH group :
6.71§¯/sec. obstructive group ; less than 1.0§¯/sec). After LP shunting in NPH group,
retrograde flow signal curves were abterogradely converted and the peak flow velocities
were somewhat decreased(mean : 5.10§¯/sec). The clinical diagnosis of NPH was well
correlated with the results of cine MRI. After endoscopic third ventriculostomy in
obstructive group. we could note increased CSF flow velocity both at preponitine and
precordal subarachnoid space with markedly increased flow at perpontine cistern.
Phase contrast cine MRI is useful in evaluating the CSF dynamics in patients with
hyperdynamic aqueductal CSF (NPH) or aqueductal obstruction(obstructive

Quantitative measurement; CSF flow dynamic; Phase contrast cine MRI; Hydrocephalus; To-and-fromovement.;


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