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The incidence of the bliateral intracranial aneurysms in multiple aneurysms ranges
from 20 to 40% in the published series. The problems of surgery for multipls aneurysms
are far greater than those for single ansurysm. Occasionally, the ruptured sits of
bilateral symmstrical(mirror image) ansurysms ars more difficult to identify. To verify
the standard treatment, we investigated their clinical data and surgical modalities of 43
patients with bliateral aneurysms.
We classified the bliateral aneurysms as symmetrical and asymmetrical aneurysms.
Most common bilateral symmetrical aneurysms were located at origin of posterior
communicating artery. Surgical modalities were separate craniotomy with ipsilateral
approach(29 cases) and a single craniotomy with ipsilateral and contralateral approach (6
cases) The rest of patients were treated only in the presence of symatomatic lesions.
Seven patients died of various cause ; two were rebleeding. three were surgical
mortalities. and two had medical complications. The surgical results were good to fair in
26 cases of separate operation and had good to fair outcome of 5 cases with 1 case of
poor outcome in the single craniotomy with combined ipsilateral and contralateral
Surgical goal in patient with bilateral aneruysms is clipping of all aneurysms. In
selected cases, the contralateral approch with a single craniotomy can be employed.
Proper surgical techniques and guideline for microsurgical exposure of bliateral
aneurysms are mandatory.


Multiple intracranial aneurysms; Bilateral aneurysms Contralateral approach; Surgical modalities;

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