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Ependymoma is the most common spinal intramedullary tumor in adults.
The authors reviewed clinacal data of 31 patients with ependymoma who underwent
operations between 1979 and 1996. The ages of the patients ranged from 15 to 62 years
with a mean of 36.9. We analyed clinical manifestations. radiologic findings. extants of
surgical removal. histologic subtypes and lased for 36.5 months on the average. The
most frequent lacation was conus region(10 case, 32%) followed by cervical. thoracic and
cervicothoracic spinal level. All cases were divided into groups histolofically. 12
myxopapillary subtypes and 19 myxopapillary subtypes. Operative results were
dependent on the locations and the histologic and the histologic subtypes of the tumor
Total removal was achieved in 4 cases out of 10 cases with masses around the conus
and in 19 cases out of 21 cases with masses at other regions(p= 0.003). Tumors were
totally removed in 97% of 19 non-myxopapillary subtypes. but in 42% of 12
myxopapillary subtypes(p=0.001).
From the follow up data, we found that mean progression free interval was 83 months
and 5year profression free rate was 70%. Extent of removal was the only significant pro
gnostic factor on multivatiate analysis. Other factors such tumor location. histologic
subtype and radiation therapy were not significant. Disease progression was noted in 2
cases out of 23 cases of total removal group. but in 4 cases out of 8 cases of
incomplete removal group(p=0.008). Postoperative radiation therapy was done in 4 cases
in complete removal group and tumor regrowth was noted more frequently in
non-radiation group than in radiation group without statistic significance. We concluded
that disease progression can be determined the extent of removal which is related to the
tumor location and histologic subtypes.

Spinal ependymoma; Surgical extent; Tumor location; Histologic subtype; Radiation therapy; prognosis.;


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