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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 6È£ p.763 ~ 769
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The authors respectively analysed the surgical results and complications of 41 cases
of intraventricular tumors. who were operated on between 1986 and 1995 in our hospital.
There were 21 cases in the fourth ventricle tumors, 16 in the lateral and 4 in the third
ventricle. carious surgical approaches were used according to location of tumors ;
suboccipital approach in 21 patients. transcortical transventricular in 11. interhemispheric
transcallosal in 8 and subfrontal approach in one.
Surgical outcoms showsd good recovery in 21 casas(51.2%), moderate disability in
10(24.4%). severe disability in 6(14.6%). vegetative state in 1(2.4%) and death in 3(7.3%).
Surgical complications included subdural hygroma. intracranial hemorrhage. seizure.
infection, and hydrocephalus. Poor result was observed in cases with acute onset, pre or
post-operative hydrocephalus. incomplete removal of tumor, postoperative hemorrhage
and postoperative seizure.
To improve Surgical Outcome and to avoid Complications. it is desirable to identify
high risk Patients as early as Possible Prior to Surgery.


Intraventricular tumor Surgical outcome; Complication;

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