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Cine MRÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû À¯¿ë¼º Clinical Applications of Cine MR

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 6È£ p.808 ~ 814
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reconstruction method¿Í phase contrast mapping method¸¦ µé ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù. Magnitude
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Evaluation of intracanial CFS flow was accomplished the use of cine MR technique. In
the cine MR, there were methods of evaluation in CSF flow pattern. Qulitative and
quantitative methods were called magnitude recostruction and phase contrast method.
respectively. the image of magnitude reconstructionmethod can demonstrate areas of
decreased CSF flow and help explain the cause of hydrocephalus. The image of phase
contrast mapping method is more sensitive to fluid motion and may increase utility in
the future for analysis of fluid flow. Cine MR is capable of showing both normal and
abnormal intracranial CSF flow. Such a study can be easily added as an extra pulser
sequence at the end of a foutinely acquired MR examination.
We evaluated of casas of the normal pattern of pulsatile flow within subarachnoid
spacs and 3 cases of abnormal patterns of CSF flow(communicating hydrocephalus : 2
cases, arachnoid cyst in posterior fossa : 1 case)
These observations were compared with pre- and post-operative CSF flow state In
conditions which result in alterations ol flow. ciae MR shows sitter obstruction or
excessively turbulent flow within the CSF pathways.
In our Studies the most distinctive Pathological finding was bulk flow in the aqueduct
of Sylvius The authors suggest that this technique can be applied in a wide range of
conditions where CSF pathways is altered cyst and subarachnoid space. Moreover
correctdiagnosis is possible in patients with hydrocephalus, in whom the exact level of
CSF obstruction can be determined. We believe that surgical decisions can be aided by
careful analysis of these CSF cine MR studies
We discuss the normal and abnormal CSF flow findings and indications of cine MR
GSF flow technique with literature review.


Cine MR Cerebrospinal fluid flow Hydrocephalus; Shunt; Magnetic resonance imaging.;

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