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The aim of this study was to investigate the patterns of invasion into the surrounding
normal brain tissue in malignant gliomas. The C9L gliosarcoma cell line was used to
produce a tumor in the concentration of 2¡¿106 cells/§¡. The experimental
animals, male Sprague-Dawley rats, were anesthetized and secured in a stereotactic
frame for left parietal craniectomy and tumor cell injecion, and sacrificed in 10 to 14
days. The authors evaluated the patterns of tumor growth such as mass size, invasion
site, formation of secondary structures, type of necrosis, and evolvement of blood
vessels using routine H-E stain. Miller's elastic stain and immunohistochemical stain for
vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF). The tumor was produced in 8 of 16 cases,
which were mostly consisted of malignant spindle cells. Regarding the tumor growth
patterns, infiltrative type was observed more frequently than expansion type.
Leptomeningeal involvement was observed in 6 cases which showed infiltrative growth
pattern, and ventricular dissemination was noted in 3 cases and chorid plexus
involvement was found in 1 case. Secondary tumor structures such as perivascular
tumor cell aggregates and separate tumor micronodules were observed in 4 cases and 6
cases, respectively. Three types of necrosis were developed in the center of tumor, such
as geographic (2 cases), hemorrhagic (2 cases) and ischemic necrosis(1 case). Based on
the histologic findings in the experiment, it is presumed that the leptomeningeal
dissemination and formation of secondary structures around the primary tumor site
might play a significant role in the distant metastasis and recurrence.


Rat gliosarcoma; invasion pattern;

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