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The incidence and definite criteria of posttraumatic cervical disc herniation is still
uncertain. Not infrequently, ruptured posttraumatic cervical disc particles play important
role on the cervical cord injury. In a prospective study, 23 patients of cervical spinal
cord injury were evaluated preoperatively by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
reveal the incidence, developing mechanism, and radiographic results of posttraumatic
cervical disc herniation, and severity of spinal cord damage by ruptured disc particles
and usefulness of preoperative cervical MRI.
All of the patients, who showed abnormal neurological signs consistent in cervical
spinal cord injury, were evaluated preoperatively by cervical MRI with 24 hours after
trauma. MRI was also taken after reduction in patients with cervical dislocation. The
criteria for identifying posttraumatic disc herniation was limited to ruptured disc. Diffuse
buldging disc or degenerated cervical stenosis was not considered as posttraumatic disc
MRI demonstrated 7 patients(30%) with spinal cord compression by ruptured disc
particles. Compressed spinal cord showed intramedullary swelling and localized high
signal intensity by T2-weighted images. All of the patients with ruptured disc particles
were operated by anterior approach and interverterbral fusion as soon as possible.
Preoperatively, 6 patients showed incomplete spinal cord injury(Frankel's grade B-D) ; 5
patients showed one Frankel's grade improvement postoperatively. No patients worsened
after reduction of cervical dislocation.
These results suggest that ruptured disc particle is one of the main causes of cervical
spinal cord injury which can be easily identified by MR imaging. It is author's opinion
that early removal of ruptured particle compressing the spinal cord can be important
factor to improve the neurologic status. The author recommends prompt preoperative
MR imaging study for the patient with suspected acute cervical spinal cord injury.


Cervical spine trauma; Cervical disc herniation; Spinal cord injury; MRI;

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