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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 7È£ p.985 ~ 990
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ÃÖÁøȯ/Jin Hwan Choi ±è¼º¹Î/½É¿µº¸/À念ö/¹Ú¿ë±â/ÃÖ¼±±æ/Sung Min Kim/Young Bo Shim/Young Chul Chang/Yong Kee Park/Sun Kil Choi


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The authors describe a case of accidental electrical injury from high voltage direct
current in a young worker, who was struck by the electric shock in the left
occipito-parietal region.
This case is interesting due to the development of left occipito-parietal parenchymal
brain lesion with transient anomic aphasia and visual disturbances. We believe that is
first report on parenchymal brain injury due to high voltage electrical burn confirmed
pathologically in Korea. The patient had full thickness scalp defect, skull necrosis, and
parenchymal brain injury. We performed one stage brain and dural biopsy with split rib
graft cranioplasty after removal of devitalized skull and scalp flap surgery. The clinical
presentation, radiological, pathological finding, and outcome are reviewed.


High voltage-electrical burn; Brain parenchymal injury; Brain biopsy; Split rib graft cranioplasty;

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