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³ú»çÆÇÁ¤ÀÇ Áø´ÜÀû ¼ö´ÜÀ¸·Î Èñ¼® Pilocarpine°ú Phenylephrine¿¡ ´ëÇÑ µ¿°øº¯È­ Pupillary Response to Dilute Pilocarpine and Phenylephrine as a Diagnostic Method in Brain Death

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 8È£ p.1045 ~ 1052
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Supersensitivity of the iris sphincter to dilute parasympathetic or sympathetic agents in
a preganglionic oculomotor nerve disorder is considered a diagnostic test of a brain
death. We studied pupillary response to 0,06% pilocarpine and 1.25% phenylephrine in
cases of brain death confirmed with EEG(19 cases) and clinical brain death not
confirmed with EEG(10 cases). 0.06% pilocarpine was installed if the diameter of the
pupil was over 4.0mm. 1.25% phenylephrine under 4.0mm. Among 8 cases of clinical
brain death associated with dilated pupil. four cases showed positive response to 0.06%
pilocarpine. Not only two cases of them who showed flat EEG considered the brain
death(50%) but the other two cases who showed lower voltage in EEG also were dead
in 36 hours after the test. Two cases associated with constricted pupils who showed
positive response to 1.25% phenylephrine. but only lower voltage in EEg. were
consequently dead in 48 hours. Nineteen brain death patents confirmed with flat EEG
showed strong positive response to these drugs, Our results suggest that the dilated
pupil is not necessarily considered as a diagnostic hallmark of the brain death which
has been established by Korean Medical Association. and it seems that pupillary
responses to the autonomic stimulation agents appears more reliable than vestibuloocular
reflex test.


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