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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 8È£ p.1059 ~ 1065
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The incidence of spine trauma has been increasing. To investigate the incidence,
characteristics, and difficulty in management of the acute spine-injured patients in
suburban area we analyzed 50 cases treated conservatively or by operative fusion over a
recent one-year period.
This study comprised of 26 females and 24 males, between 23 and 83 years old
patients with injury of whole column of spine. The most frequent cause of injury was
traffic accident. The most common lesion was the compression fracture of the first
lumber spine. Most patients complained neck or back pain on admission. In 3 cases.
neurological deficits were noted. For six patients. surgical treatment were performed and
44 patients has been conservatively managed with halo brace. neck collars, and
thoracolumbar orthoses. The average period of admission and immobilzation for the
conservatively treated patients was 6 weeks. During which time a few complications
such as progressive kyphosis, hypoalbuminemia, thrombophlebitis, urinary tract infection,
paralytic ileus, bed sore, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome were aroused. In most cases,
good outcomes were achieved.
Most of geriatric patients, concomitant systemic disease with cardiovascular and
pulmonary dysfunction were usually present and absence of the insight on spine injury
made difficulties in management. On the basis of these results we concluded that most
elderly patients with spine fracture could be effectively treated by conservative methods,
and also careful and systemic management with adequate education for patients and
their families were required.


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