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To describe the detailed microsurgical anatomy of the clinoid (C5)
segment of the internal carotid artery(ICA) and surrounding structures and clarify the
anatomical relationships of this region emphasizing their clinical relevance. authors
examined in 70 specimens from 35 formalin fixed cadaveric heads.
Removal of the anterior clinoid process exposes the C5 segment of the
ICA which is encircled by the thin inner tightly attached to the ICA the proximal dural
ring is always incompetent
The C5 segment of the ICA has been considered by the majority of
authors to be extracavernous This under (C4) standing developed because
most investigators overlooked the thin inner dural layere encircling the clinoid ICA. The
proximal dural ring. Therefore the clinoid LCA should be considered to be the most
rostal portion the cavernous (4) segment of the ICA. The proximal dural
ring is a surgical landmark rather than a true dural ring.


Clinoid (C5)segment; Internal carotid artery; Proximal dural fing; Distal dural ring;

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