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³ú½Ç³» ÁÖÀÔÇÑ Lipopolysaccharide°¡ ³ú½ÇÁÖÀ§ ½Å°æÁ¶Á÷¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ The Effects of Intraventricular Injection of Lipopolysaccharide on the Periventricular Neural Tissue

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Ventriculitis is one of the most serious complication of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
which may cause intelligence deterioration in children. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the mechanism of the neural damage in lipopolysaccirde(LPS)-induced
ventriculitis in rat.
Ventriculitis was induced by intraventricular injection of 1§·/§¸ LPS in rat. H & E
and Tunel stains were done on the day 1, 2 and 14 to access the microscopic changes
of the periventricular tissue and apoptosis respectively. TNF-¥á and IL-1¥â mRNA
expressions were studied using RT-PCR. HRP was injected into the femoral vein and
eletron microscopic examinations were performed to access the BBB changes.
Light microscopic examination one day after LFS injection repealed neutrophilic
infiltration which diminished on day 4. and disappeared on 14. Tunel stain revealed
apoptosis on day 1 and 4. TNF-¥á and IL-1¥â were expressed on day 1. and diminished
progressively thereafter. HRP histochemical electron microscopic examination revealed
accumulation of HRP reaction in the interstitial space around the brain parenchyma.
These findings suggest the opening of th BBB and increased capillary permeability in
the periventricular tissue in the LPS induced ventriculitis. This can possibly damage the
periventricular tissue in the LPS induced ventriculitis. This can possibly damage the
periventricular tissue. TNF-¥á and IL-1¥â seemed to play an important role in the
opening of the BBB.


Ventriculitis; Lipopolysaccaride; Blood Drain barrier; TNF-¥á; Interleukin-1;

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