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Although chronic subdural hematoma(CSDH) is a well known entity, there is little
knowledge concerning whether the results of radiological imaging can be used to predict
CSDH recurrence or whether surgical methods can influence this rate. the aims of this
study are to evaluate ; 1) the relationship between the recurrence rate of CSDHs and
their apperance on preoperative computerized tomography (CH) of magnetic
resonance(MR) images and 2)relationship between the recurrence rate of CSDHs and the
amount of postoperative resonance(MR) images and 2) relationship between the
recurrence rate of CSDHs and the amount of postoperative drainage, and 3) the
usefulness of one burr-hole irrigation with close-system drainage. From January 1991
through March 1998. 166 patients who were surgically treated were included. thirty-six
these patients underwent bilateral operation and thus 202 operative sites of CSDH were
analyzed. Preoperative CT was done in 151 patients and MR was done in the others.
The cases of CSDH were separated into low-, layered-, high-, mixed-density groups on
the basis of the appearance on CT images. and high-, nonhigh-intensity groups on
T1-weighted MR images. All patients had underwent one burr-hole irrigation with
closed system drainage and the drain was kept in place for 5 days. The amount of
postoperative drainage decreased significantly from the 2nd day after operation compared
to the 1st dayafter operation and decreasing tendency was continued through the rest of
the days(p<0.0001) Overall recurrence after rate was 3.5%and there was no significant
relationship between the recurrence rate and their appearance on properative CT or MR.
The average amount of postoperative drainage was larger in unrecurred CSDHs(38.1¡¾
36.9 §¢, mean ¡¾ standard error)than recurred cases (188.9¡¾40.7 §¢). One burr-hole
irrigation with closed-system drainage was useful regardless of CT findings. the amount
of postoperative drainage, which means permeability of hematoma membrane, may be
useful in predicting the propensity of CSDHs to recur.


Burr-hole; Chronic subdural hematoma; Closed-system drainage; Computed tomography;

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