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The staged decompression(posterior and anterior) of foramen magnum was performed
in the patient with chiari ¥° malformation associated with basilar invagination Three
years prior to admission, the patient was admitted due to ataxia and dysmetria After
the posterior decompression of foramen magnum. the patient's cerebellar sign improved
significantly. But, spastic gait disturbance was noted two years later. We perfromed a
transoral anterior decompression to relieve brain stem compression, and an
occipitocervical fusion with contoured rod to present possible instability. Following the
operation, the spasticity improved. The authors believe this sets the successful staged
decompress ion of Chiari ¥° malformation associated with basilar invagination

Chiari malformation; Basilar invagination; Posterior decompression; Staged decompression; Transoral anterior decompression;


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