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µÎ°³°­³» ³ú½ÇÁú¿¡¼­ ¹ß°ßµÈ °ñÁ¾ - Áõ·Ê º¸°í - Intracranial Intraparenchymal Osteoma - Case Report -

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A 55-years-old woman suffered from 5 years ol persistent left temporo-partietal
headache. She had no feature of raised intracranial pressure. Her headache was partially
relieved by analgesics. there was no history of head trauma nor systemic disease. Plain
radiographs of the skull showed a dense round opaque lesion in the left parietal area.
Computed-Tomography showed a hyperdense lesion in the same region suggestive of an
osteoma. In operation. We found the bony hard mass in the subarachnoid space to be
unattached to the dura or the skull. The mass was totally removed and histologically it
was an osteoma.


Brain tumor; ntraparenchymal; Osteoma;

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