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³»½Ã°æÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Àü¹æ °æÀ¯ °æÃߺΠÃß°£°ø È®´ë¼ú Endoscope Assisted Anterior Cervical Foraminotomy

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A new technique of endoscope assisted anterior cervical foraminotomy was developed
to improve the conventional microsurgical anterior cervical foramintomy. Microsurgical
anterior foraminotomy provides direct anatomical decompression of the compressed nerve
root by removing the spondylotic provides direct anatomical decompressed nerve root by
removing the spondlylotic spur or disc fragment while preserving the functioning
segment of the disc. The authors modified anterior cervical foraminotomy using
retraction. The uncinate process was drilled under endoscopic visualization through a
tubular retractor. This technique has been applied to 13 patients with single level
radiculopathy due to posteroateral osteophyte or soft disc herniation. The nerve roots
were decompressed successfully under endoscopic control as conventional microsurgical
foraminotomy through a 2§¯ skin incision. Postoperatively, all patients showed
improvements in their radiculpathic symptomatologies. Corresponding CT scans
confirmed satisfactory anatomical decompression in all patients. This surgical technique
has good clinical outcomes with fast recovery.

Endoscope assisted microsurgery; Cervical disc herniation; Radiculopathy; Foraminotomy; Cervical spine.;


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