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It is important to obtain a good exposure of the root exit zone(REZ) of the facial
nerve during microvascular decompression(MVD) for hemifacial spasm(HFS). For this
purpose, authors dissected cerebellar cortical artery in addition to exposing the proximal
portion of lower cranial nerves.
During MVD for HFS, surgeons frequently meet a cerebellar cortical artery the
inferolateral aspect of cerebellar hemisphere. It is usually hemispheric branch of anterior
cerebellar artery(AICA) of posterior inferior cerebellar artery(PICA). It is reason that
authors have dissected outside arachnoid membrane attached pia mater of cerebellar
cortical artery with a arachnoid knife or microscissor preserve the inside arachnoid
membrane attached dura mater. Microsurgical retractor is placed inferolaterally between
cerebellar cortical artery and cerebellar hemisphere and elevated from the floor of the
posterior fossa. The subarachnoid cisterns over the lower cranial nerves are opened with
sharp with sharp dissector and wide operative fields good exposure of REZ of facial
nerve is obtained.


Cerebellar cortical artery dissection technique; Microvascular decompression; Hemifacial spasm.;

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