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The goals of the pituitary tumor are restoration of normal pituitary function and
relieving the mass effect on the adjacent normal brain structures. The main purpose of
this study is to analyze our surgical removal. The surgical results were reviewed in 36
patients treated between 1993 and 1997. The criteria of clinical remission are
postoperative basal GH less than 5ng/ml and suppression of GH less than 2ng/ml in
oral glucose tolerance test. As the results, 25 of 36 patients(69.4%) achieved surgical
remission. Eleven patients who could not achieve remission by surgery were treated
with medical treatment(octreotide, bromocriptine) and Gamama-knife surgery. In
conclusion, the tumor morphology and extensiveness of tumor removal were well
correlated with surgical outcome, and the aggressive resection of tumor seems to be
most important factor achieving remission in GH secretion pituitary adenomas.


Growth hormone; Pituitary adenoma; Bromocriptine; Otreotide; Gamma-knife surgery.;

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