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´Ù¹ß¼º ³ú¼ö¸·Á¾ Multiple Intracranial Meningiomas

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Since introduction of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), six cases of multiple
intracranial meningiomas without signs of neurofibromatosis were found among the forty
eight cases of meningiomas. The incidence of multip1e intracranial meningiomas in our
series was 12.5% of all meningiomas. We analyzed six cases of multiple intracranial
meningiomas that were evaluated by MRI. Two tumors were found in five patients,
whereas the other one patient had more than ten tumors at different sites. The tendency
of unihemispheric distribution was not seen and two cases had bilaterally located tumors
and other two cases had tumors were and below the tentorium without tentorial
involvement. Relatively high occurrence of menimgioma in posterior fossa was observed.
Half of six cases had posterior fossa tumors and 6 tumors(28.6%) of the total 21 tumors
were located in the posterior fossa. All the cases were female. Mean age on admission
was 61.3 years, ranged from 44 to 77 years, of the 12 tumors removed, 5 were
transitional, 4 were fibroblastic, 3 were meningothelial. The histological subtypes of
tumors in each case were different in two cases, but identical in other cases. The
surgical results, although the follow-up periods(ranged 3 months to 2.5 years) were not
long enough in some cases, were favorable.


´Ù¹ß¼º ³ú¼ö¸·Áõ; ÀÚ±â°ø¸íÃÔ¿µ; ´ë³ú¹Ý±¸; Èĵΰ³¿Í; Multiple meningiomas; Posterior fossa; Magnetic resonance imaging.;

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