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È¥ÇÕ¼º ½Å°æÈ¿Á¾ÀÇ Ä¡·á¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Àӽ̰á°ú Clinical Outcome of the Mixed Glioma

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 12È£ p.1700 ~ 1709
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ÃÖ½ÂÁø/Seung Jin Choi ÀÌ°ü¼º/È«¿ë±æ/³ªÇü±Õ/ÀÌ»ó¿ø/¹é¹Î¿ì/±è¹®Âù/°­Áرâ/Kwan Sung Lee/Yong Kil Hong/Hyung Kyun Rha/Sang Won Lee/Min Woo Baek/Moon Chan Kim/Joon Ki Kang.


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The author analyzed preliminary outcome of 10 patients with mixed glioma(3 patients
with low-grade oligoastrocytoma and 7 patients with anaplastic oligoastrocyma) who
underwent surgical resection and were treated or are in treatment with or without
adjuvant therapy at our institute since May 1993. In the low-grade oligoastrocytoma
group, gross total tumor resection was done in all three cases and postoperative
radiation therapy was performed in 2 cases. In the anaplastic oligoastrocytoma group, all
seven cases were divided as to the amount of tumor removal(gross total resection ; 4
cases, subtotal resection ; 1 case, partial resection ; 2 cases) and clinical course and
prognosis were analyzed as to performing postoperative radiation therapy with or
without chemotherapy. In the low-grade oligoastrocytoma group, one patient who didn't
undergo postoperative radiation therapy suffered from tumor recurrence that showed
histopathologically malignant transformation. In the anaplasic oligoastrocytoma group, 2
patients who underwent subtotal tumor resection and partial tumor resection with
postoperative radiation therapy showed tumor progression and histopathologically more
malignant transformation. The authors propose that gross total tumor resection with
postoperative radiation therapy in low-grade oligoastrocytoma and adding chemotherapy
appear to be a associate with more prolongation of patient's survival.


Low-grade oligoastrocytoma Anaplastic olisoastrocytoma; Gross total resection; Radiation therapy.;

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