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À¯¾ÆÀÇ °áÇÕÁ¶Á÷Çü¼º ´ë³ú ¼º»ó¼¼Æ÷Á¾ Desmoplastic Cerebral Astrocytoma of Infancy

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Desmoplastic cerebral astrocytoma of infancy is a massive cystic tumor, typically
occurring in the cerebral hemisphere and a rare intracranial tumor that arises in
subjects usually below the age of 18 months and shows a favorable prognosis. A
5.5-month-old boy was presented with a rapidly increasing head circumference and
lethargy. A computerized tomography scan revealed a large, multicystic, partially
enhancing right parieto-occipital mass with hydrocephalus. This patient was treated with
a surgery and a firm plaque-like rumor along with multicystic component was gross
totally removed. The tumor mass was firmly attached to the dura and extended in
fingerlike projections onto the cortical surface. The infant underwent no further therapy
and has developed normally during 6 months after surgery. Demoplastic cerebral
astrocytoma of infancy is a rare intracranial tumor but recognition of this tumor should
be appreciated because, despite its massive size and rapidly characterstics, this tumor
often has a relatively being clinical course.


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