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Pediatric head injury is a leading cause of disability or death in children. Reducing
morbidity and mortality require careful attention to the factors leading to poor prognosis.
In this regards authors reviewed the clinical features of pediatric head injury to find out
the prognostic factors. From 1992 to 1996, 96 pediatric head injury patients were
admitted to our hospital. Seventy eight of them(81.3£¥) were transferred from the other
hospitals. Pedestrian vehicle accident and fall were the leading causes. Clear or drowsy
patients account for 42.7£¥, stuporous, semicomatose or comatose, 57.3£¥. Early seizures
were noted in 18(18.8£¥). Outcome were good in 68(70.8£¥), moderate to severe disability
18(18.8£¥), vegetative 3(3.1£¥), and died 7(7.3£¥). Consciousness level was the most
significantly related with poor prognosis. Radiological deterioration, hematoma or edema,
was noted in thirteen patients, and their prognosis was significantly worse than
others(p=0.01). Those patients with complications occurred during admission such as
pneumonia or electrolyte imbalance showed poorer prognosis(p<0.05).
In conclusion, outcome of the pediatric head injury was significantly related to the
initial mentality, worsening of hematoma or edema on follow up CT scan, and
complications such as pneumonia and electrolyte imbalance during admission. Early
recognition of these factors would contribute to the improvement of the outcome of the
pediatric head injury patient.


Pediatric head injury; Outcome; Consciousness; CT scan; Complication;

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