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ô¼ö°­ Á¶¿µ¼úÈÄ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ±Þ¼º ³ú¸·¿° 1°è Acute Post-Myelographic Meningitis with Iohexol

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 28±Ç 1È£ p.89 ~ 91
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We report a case of severe chemical meningitis complicating iohexol myelography.
Cerebrospinal fluid findings include a white blood cell count of 1700(94£¥ ploymorphouse
cell, 6£¥ lymphocyte), sugar 20§·/§£ and protein 170§·/§£. chemical meningitis can not
be distinguished from acute bacterial meningitis on the basis of the clinical findings and
cerebrospinal fluid examination. A cerebrospinal fluid gram stain and culture were the
only reliable test in deciding the etiology of the meningitis.
The authors report this rare complication from iohexol myelography with review of
pertinent literature.


Iohexol; Chemical meningitis; Myelography;

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