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µÎ°³°ñ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ¾Ç¼º non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Primary Malignant non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of Cranial Vault - A Case Report -

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 28±Ç 1È£ p.106 ~ 109
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Á¤ÇöÀç/Hyun Jae Jeong Á¶ÀçÈÆ/À̼º¶ô/°­µ¿±â/±è»óö/Jae Hoon Cho/Sung Lak Lee/Dong Gee Kang/Sang Chul Kim


º»¿ø¿¡¼­´Â µÎ°³°ñ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ non-Hodgkin's ÀÓÆÄÁ¾ÀÇ 1·Ê¸¦ ¼ö¼ú Ä¡ÇèÇÏ¿´±â¿¡ ¹®Çå °í
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Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the cranial vault is very rare. A 55-year-old
woman presented with a right parietal subcutaneous scalp lump. Computed
tomography(CT) scan showed a right parietal cranial vault lesion with scalp swelling
and extradural and intradural involvement. Tumor removal, including portion of involved
skull, followed by cranioplasty with resin were performed. Histologic study revealed the
features of a T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(high grade, large cell, diffuse,
immunoblastic type) and there was no systemic involvement. The chemotherapy and
radiotherapy were instituted after surgery.


Primary malignant lymphoma; Cranial vault;

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