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The authors reviewed 90 patients with traumatic cervical spine injury admitted to our
department between January 1993 and December 1997.
The most common age group was 21-30 years old. The male to female radio was 7.2
: 1 Motor vehicle accident was the most frequent cause of traumatic cervical spine
injury. The most common mechanism of injury was compressive and then distractive
flexion. The C2 body fracture was the commonest of the vertebral body fractures and
C5/6 dislocation was the most common involved 1eve1 of injured vertebrae. Forty-seven
of these patients were managed with conservative treatment and the remaining 43
patients underwent surgery. The conservative treatment was consisted of skeletal
traction, neck collar and Halo-vest application. Of 43 patients operated, 24 patients were
performed by anterior approach and 10 by posterior approach and remaining 9 patients
were treated by anterior approach after posterior approach. According to Modified
Frankel's grading system, the rates of neurological improvement at anterior approach,
posterior approach and combined approach were 79.2%, 60.0% and 66.0%, respectively.
Difference of improvement rates did not have clinical significance. There were 76 types
of associated injuries were observed in 51 patients. The most common associated injury
was head trauma and surgical intervention was required in 5 patients among them. The
common complications were respiratory disorder, bed sore, urinary tract infection,
gastrointestinal bleeding, pin sits infection in decreasing order of frequency. The most
common cause of death was respiratory disorder including pneumonia, atelectasis, acute
respiratory distress syndrome and pulmonary edema.


Traumatic cervical spine injury; Fracture and dislocation; Surgery; Complication; Death;

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