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Low back pain is one of the most common symptoms in medical practice. Differential
diagnosis of back pain is complicated, however. Self-reported pain intensity and
disability may affect on the decision for diagnosis or therapy. Exaggerated symptoms
may cause unnecessary investigations or even surgical interventions Self-reported pain
intensity and disability are not in proportion to the objective physical findings. We
investigated the relationship between self-reported pain intensity or disability and sleep
disturbance or fatigue.
The study was conducted as a survey using a questionnaire from November 1997 to
March 1998. The survey included consecutive 358 patients who visited the neurosurgical
out-patient department complaining of low back pain. Pain intensity was measured by
visual analog scale, and disability was assessed by Waddell's chronic disability index.
By multiple regression analysis, self-reported pain intensity corresponded best with the
sleep disturbance Age and fatigue were also related to the pain intensity. There was no
good agreement between pain intensity and region or duration of the pain, appetite or
indigestion. Disability corresponded best with the sleep disturbance. Fatigue, appetite,
and indigestion were also related to the disability. There was no good relationship
between disability and region or duration of the pain. or age.
Sell-reported pain intensity and disability are related to the psychological distress
represented as sleep disturbance. fatigue poor appetite or indigestion. Inquiring about
sleep or fatigue is important to understand the underlying psychological condition. which
may exaggerate pain intensity and disability.


Low back pain; Sleep disturbance; Fatigue; Pain intensity; Disability; Spine;

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