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Objective : Microvascular decompression(MVD) is an effective technique for the
patients who have trigeminal neuralgia(TN) and hemifacial spasm(HS). But the failed
MVD cases have risen reported in long term follow-up studios. We introduce our unique
operative technique in MVD and analyze the effect of WVD through our modified
operative technique, offending vessels in operative field. operative complications, and
failed cases.
Patients and Methods : A series of 52 patients with intractable TN(39 cases) or 15(20
cases) Were treated by MVD. Other 7 cases of 71 were excluded because they were
proved to have TNs secondary to other pathologies, such as nasopharyngeal carcionoma,
trigeminal schwannoma, epidermoid tumors. postherpetic neuralgia. The follow-up time
was from 3 months to 4 years
Result : All 52 patients were treated by retromastoid suboccipital approach 98 patients
of TN were treated with MVD only and the other 4 patients, were treated with
selective sensory root squeezing(1 case) partial sensory rhizotomy(PSR)(2 cases), and
PSR with MVD(1 case). Among 20 patients of HS were treated with MVD, 3 patients
were not relieved after first operation but were free of spasm after reoperation within 1
week. The degree of nerve root compression was classified as compression and contact
and the final outcome compared each other. We used our uniquely designed
horseshoe-shaped teflon ring to decompress the vessel from the nerve.
In TN the most common of fending vessel was superior cerebellar artery(59.4%) and
the final outcomes were as follows : excellent, 87.5%(28 cases) : good. 3.l%(1 case) :
poor, 9.4%(3 cases). In HS, the most common offending vessel was anterior inferior
cerebellar artery(55%) and the final outcomes wore as follows : excellent 85%(17 cases)
, good, 5%(1 case), poor, 10%(2 cases).
Conclusion : In compressed group. the cure rate was 100%. However in contact group
the cure rats were 81.3% in TN and 75U in HS.
Result : From the review of the literatures in failed MVD, the etiologies most
commonly reported were inadequate decompression, new vessel compression. adhesion
and lysis of prosthesis. Our specially designed horseshoe-shaped teflon ring has some
advantages to prevent recurrence of symptom by dislodging or slippage of prosthesis or
recom-pression by other vessels. The overall result of our unique MVD was excellent in
patients with TN(87.5%) and HS(85%)


Microvascular decompression; Teflon ring; Trigeminal neuralgia; Hemifacial spasm;

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