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Somatosensory evoked potential(SSEP) has been recorded during 31 operations for
intracranial aneurysm. We had monitored the SSEP in each stage of aneurysm
surgery(preoperative. anesthetic induction. aura opening, temporary vascular occlusion.
aneurysm neck clipping and 30 minute after aneurysm neck clipping). Temporary
occlusion of intracranial arteries have performed in 21 cases. In cortical amplitude of
more than 50% as compared with induction was considered to bs 'significant' SSEP
change. Eleven out of 21 cases of temporary vascular occlusion showed significant
decrease of amplitude. Three out of 4 cases with flat wave had new neurologic deficits
postoperatively. We studied the relationship between SSEP changes and postoperative
neurologic deficit and concluded as follows : 1) The monitoring of amplitude of SSEP
may help control the duration and number of application in temporary clipping during
aneurysm surgery 2) Decreased in amplitude with temporary clipping, especially flat
wave, is a strong suggestion of the postoperative neurologic deficit. These results
indicate that monitoring of SSEP during aneurysm surgery would bs helpful to reduce
the incidence of postoperative neurologic deficits.

Somatosensory evoked potential(SSEP); Intracranial aneurysm; Temporary vascular occlusion; Cortical amplitude; Postoperative neurologic deficit;


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