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Purpose : Conventional MRI may not visualize the structural abnoramlity in large
proportion of patients with intractable extratemporal lobe epilepsy
Methods : Five patients with intractable extratemporal lobe epilepsy underwent
resective surgery. Preoperatively, all patients underwent video-EEG monitoring using
extracranial electrodes and MRI. Three had PET scans and four had MRS.
3D-reconstruction of the MRI was performed in all patients. Then subdural grid
electrodes were implanted on the suspected lesion in 3D-reconstructed brain ; One had
bitemporal depth electrodes insertion, and subdural grid electrodes implantation on
bilateral frontal lobe. Two had frontal resection and including supplementary
sensori-motor area in one. Parietal and parieto-temporal resection was performed in
each. One had partial occipital lobe resection.
Results : All had complex partial seizures and four of them had lateralizing signs
Standard stir)ace EEG recordings were not reliable in lateralizing or localizing the
epileptogenic zone in any of patients. Conventional MRI revealed subtle abnormality in
the superior parietal lobule, and atrophic changes in parietal lobe and posterior portion of
the superior temporal gyrus, in each. Three did not show any structural abnormalities
MRS showed abnormal NAA/Ch+Cr ratio in two : one in the lesion and one in the
bilateral hipocampus. PET showed hypometabolism in the extensive area in three with
limitation in localizing the epileptogenic zone. All had abnormal gyral and sulcal paterns
in 3D-reconstructed brain : two in the frontal lobe, superior parietal lobule, and inferior
parietal and posterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus. in cacti and one in the
occipital lobe. Histopathologic bindings revealed cortical dysplasia in all. Three were
seizure free and two were class ¥° in Engel's classification during follow-up between 4
to 24 months.
Conclusions : This study suggests that in 4he surgical treatment of the extratemporal
lobe cpilepsy without prominent abnormalities in conventional MRI. 3D-reconstruction of
the MRI may be of value in localizing the epileptogenic zone.


3D-reconstruction MRI; Gyral abnormality; Cortical dysplasia;

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