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2) Gill's operation°ú ¼öÇÙÁ¦°Å ÈÄ ÈĹæÃßü°£ À¯ÇÕ¼úÀº ÇÏÁö¹æ»çÅëÀÇ ¿øÀÎÀ¸·Î Á¦½ÃµÇ´Â
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3) Gill's operation°ú ÈĹæÃßü°£°ñÀ¯ÇÕ¼ú ÈÄ Ã߰泪»ç°íÁ¤¼úÀ» º´ÇÕ ½Ã¼úÇÑ ÈÄ ÃßÀû°Ë»ç
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The main symptoms of adult isthmic spondylolisthesis are frequently low back pain
and radicular leg pain. Laminectomy and posterolateral fusion is sometimes unsuccessful
because nerve roots are compressed by fibrocartilagenous tissue at pars defect,
degenerated disc and slipped bony edge. The patients need complete neural
decompression, reduction of slipping and stalls fixation.
We have operated 22 patients with PLIF using carbon cage and transpedicular screw
fixation after posterior decompression by Gill's operation and complete removal of
intervertebral disc. We studied the patients postoperatively to evaluate the symptomatic
improvement. reduction rate of slipping and stability of lumbar spine.
Twenty-two patients were operated from April. 1998 to Jun6. 1997 Mean ago was 46.
ranging from 35 to 68. Mean follow-up duration was thirteen months. The levels of
operation were 9 at L4-5 and 9 at L5-S1, 4 at both levels. Mean preoperative slip was
17.2%, which was reduced to 11.3% postoperatively. Nineteen patients(86%) were
satisfied with the result of operation. The fusion rate of PLIF was 86%. There was no
breakage of instrumentation or pestoperative instability.
We consider that PLIF and transpedicular screw fixation for adult isthmic
spondylolisthesis with radicular leg pain is a good methods to obtain complete neural
decompression, reduction of slip and stable lumbar fixation.
Isthmic spondylolisthesis@ PLIF@ Transpedicular fixation


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