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Objectives : We recently reported six patients with unilateral visual loss that
developed immediately after cerebral aneurysm surgery. This was found to be due to
retinal ischemia.
Patients and Methods : To investigate whether or not this rare occurrence results
from focal compression on the ipsilateral globe due to a scalp flap retraction, the authors
checked changes of orbital pressure indirectly before and after the flap retraction in
seven consecutive aneurysm patients and repeated the measurement in six other patients
protected with an eye shield. In addition we have used an eye protector during
aneurysm surgery over a next tree-year period to determine whether or not an eye
shield can prevent this problem.
Results : The authors confirmed elevation of indirect intraorbital pressure whenever
the flap was retracted, but there was no pressure elevation in the study using an eye
shield. In parallel we have not experienced any visual complications since this maneuver.
Conclusion : We think that inadvertent pressure placed on the eyeball with a retracted
scalp flap might provoke intraocular and/or retinal ischemia resulting in visual failure
after intracranial aneurysm surgery in patients with any conditions the induce marginally
ischemic retina.


½Ã·Â¼Ò½Ç; ³úµ¿¸Æ·ù; µÎÇÇÀýÆí; Visual loss; Cerebral aneurysm; Scalp flap.;

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