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Objective : Growth of cerebral gliomas depends on their neovascularization and
invasion into The adjacent neural tissue There are several extracellular and intracellular
factors affecting its growth. Tenascin(TN) is a type of extracellular matrix(ECM)
protein which may be responsible for the migration of neoplastic cells and tumor
angiogenesis. but its exact role has not been established. We studied the relation
between the expression of TN and the histological grade of the glial cell tumors as well
as to determine the expression of TN-C in tumor vessel.
Patients and Methods : In the fifty-six patients with glial cell tumors. we
characterized the expression of tenascin-C(TN-C) in the neoplastic vessel. intercellular
network, and tumor cell by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody The
relationship between the histological malignancy and TN-C expression was evaluated. In
addition, TN-C expression of talc tumor vessels was also examined.
Results : The tumors included 32 glioblastomas. 13 astrocytomas, 4 pilocytic
astrocytoma. 3 anaplastic astrocytoma, l pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. 1
oligodendroglioma, 1 anaplastic oligodendroglioma. and 1 mixed oligoastrocytoma. TN-C
expression in intercellular network of glioblastoma. anaplastic astrocytoma, and
astrocytoma was 875%, 68.7% and 61.5%, respectively. There was a close relationship
between the TN-C expression and histological grade of the glial cell tumors. In
28(87.5%) of 32 glioblastomas. TN-C was significantly expressed in the tumor
vessels(p<0 05).
Conclusion : Present results demonstrate that TN-C in the glial cell tumors may be
identified as a one of the related factors contributing to malignant progression. And also,
enhanced expression of TN-C in the tumor vessels of glioblastoma indicate the
possibility that TN-C could bs involved in neoplastic angiogenesis.


Å׳ª½Å; ³ú±³Á¾; Ç÷°üÇü¼º; Tenascin; Glioma; Angiogenesis;

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