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Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of microvascular decompression(MVD) for
trigeminal neuralgia(TN) and to discuss current understanding of the mechanism ol
MVD for this disorder.
Patients and Methods : Since 1987. 154 patients treated for trigeminal neuralgia(TN)
had been followed for an average 43 years. Among these patients. 145 had vascular
compression of the nerve and underwent microvascular decompression(MVD). Remaining
9 patients had no offending vessels, so partial sensory rhizotomy(PSR) was performed in
these patients.
Results : Immediate pain relief was achieved in 95%(147/154) of all patients, but the
rats dropped to 90%(140/154) during the follow-up period. Recurrence rate in the MVD
group was 9% and in the PSR group 55%. Among those patients underwent MVD,
permanent sequelae occurred in only 1 patient(sensorineural hearing loss) and transient
complications(impaired hearing due to hemotympanum, minor sensory deficit etc) were
more frequent. There were no differences in the outcome. considering age. sex and the
duration of symptoms. There was a close relationship between operative findings of
arterial compression on the nerve and long-term complete pain relief. Prognosis for
patients with severs arterial compression was better than that for patients with mild or
venous compression.
Conclusion : MVD provides 3 high rate of success with a minor disk of complications.
anti this study gives support to the hypothesis that in most cases of TN is caused by
neurovascular compression.


Trigeminal neuralgia; Microvascular decompression; Partial sensory rhizotomy;

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