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»óÀǼº ³¶Á¾ 4·Ê Ependymal Cysts : Case Report

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The authors report four cases of ependymal cysts. Among the benign cystic lesions of
neuroepithelial origin, ependymal cysts have been reportedly located in the cerebral
parenchyme. This usually become symptomatic after 40 years of age, although it is
generally thought to be congenital in origin. Symptomatic cases have been treated
effectively with resection of the cyst or shunting procedures. Stereotactic removal of the
cyst was also a good alternative as management in the authors' cases. Differential
diagnosis is mandatory with other benign intraparenchymal cystic diseases.

Ependymal cyst; Neuroepithelial cyst; Intraparenchymal cyst; Congenital disease; Stereotactic aspiration;


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