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³ú±âÀúºÎ ¼ö¸·Á¾ÀÇ ÀÓ»óºÐ¼® ¹× ¼ö¼ú¼ºÀû Clinical Analysis and Surgical Results of Skull Base Meningiomas

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Traditionally intracranial meningiomas are regarded as benign and curable tumors
. About half of all itracranial meningiomas locate in the skull base region. How
ever, surgical removal of these tumors may be challenging and require special co
nsiderations. Here general aspects of skull base meningiomas including clinical
presentation, surgical approaches, complications and their recurrence rate are d
iscussed based on our experiences.
A retrospective analysis of 61 consecutive patients with skull base meningioma a
mong 210 patients of meningioma between 1989 and 198 were done.
There were 41 women and 20 men ranging from 13 to 74 years(mean 52 years). These
tumors were divided into seven categories according to location : olfactory gro
ove(n=9), sphenoid ridge(n=16), cavernous sinus(n=2), tuberculum sellae(n=8), te
ntorium(n=13), cerebellopontine angle(n=12), and foramen magnum meningiomas(n=1)
. Surgical approaches were selected on the basis of the tumor attachment, size a
nd extension on preoperative radiologic findings. Total removal(Simpson grade ¥°
and ¥±) was achieved in 50 cases(82%), and subtotal removal (Simpson grade ¥²) i
n 11 patients(18%) According to WHO classification, there were 52 of cases of be
nign meningioma (86%), 6 atypical cases(10%), and 3 malignant cases(5%). The mos
t common postoperative complications were CSF leakage(23.0%) and cranial nerve i
njury(8.2%). Three patients died related with tumor(one was due to surgical comp
lication and the other two due to recurrence) but three patients died from other
systemic causes. Mean follow-up period was 51.7 months after surgery. Recurrenc
e occurred in six patients(10.9%); three with tentorial meningloma, two with sph
enoid ridge, and one in cerebellopontine angle.
With advances in neuroradiology and microsurgical techniques, the surgical outco
me of miningiomas has been markedly improved with acceptable morbidity and morta
lity rates. Overall our surgical results of skull base meningiomas is comparable
to other reports. Therefore, with the appropriate operative strategy and techni
ques, these tumors can be completely removed and good surgical results can be ex


Skull base meningioma; Surgical result; complication;

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