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Surgical management of the distal anterior cerebral artery(DACA) aneurysms prese
nts several unique problems to surgeons, such as difficulty in early identificat
ion of parent arteries, high incidence of rebleeding and premature rupture, and
requirement of unfamiliar approach other than conventional frontotemporal cranio
tomy. Therefore, preoperative anatomical knowledge of anterior interhemispheric
fissure and entry point of dissection is prerequisite. Authors utilized a fronto
basal approach for DACA aneurysms by using consistent external landmark for guid
ance to the deep structure.
Materials and Methods:
From Nov. 1995 to Jun, 1999. a surgical clipping of DACA aneurysms was carried
out in 9 patients among a total 131 patients with intracranial aneurysms. In eac
h case, the clinical and aneurysmal features were carefully reviewed through the
angiograms, medical records, and intraoperative findings.
The incidence of DACA aneurysms was 6.9% from our series. All cases were arisen
from juxtacallosal portion ; 6 cases from pericallosal-callosomarginal(PC-CM) ju
ction and 3 from pericallosal-frontopolar(PC-FP) junction. Associated vascular a
nomalies were noted in 3 cases and multiple aneurysms, in 3 cases, respectively.
The preoperative clinical grades were generally poor. An early surgery was perf
ormed in 7 cases and frontobasal interhemispheric approaches in 7 cases. Postope
ratively, two patients died of complications ; one delayed ischemic vasospasm an
d one aspiration pneumonia but remaining patients recovered well.
The frontobasal interhemispheric approach was useful for DACA aneurysms in early
surgery. Division of superior sagittal sinus(SSS) enabled a minimal retraction
of brain on both sides, and prevention of intraoperative rupture was possible. A
uthors suggest the frontopolar(first frontal bridging) vein as a constant extern
al landmark for approaching the genu of the corpus callosum and juxtacallosal DA
CA aneursms.


¿øÀ§ºÎ Àü´ë³ú µ¿¸Æ·ù; ÀüµÎ ±âÀúºÎ ´ë³ú¹Ý±¸°£¿­ Á¢±Ù¹ý; ¿ÜºÎÇ¥½ÄÀÚ; »ó½Ã»ó Á¤¸Æµ¿; ÀüµÎ±Ø Á¤¸Æ; Distal anterior cerebral artery(DACA) aneurysm; Frontobasal interhemispheric approach; External landmark; Superior sagittal sinus(SSS); Frontopolar vein;

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