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Kim, Jeong Hoon/±èÁ¤ÈÆ Kim, Joon Soo/Kim, Chang Jin/Hwang, Sung Kyun/Jung, Hee Won/Kwun, Byung Duk/±èÁؼö/±èâÁø/Ȳ½Â±Õ/Á¤Èñ¿ø/±Çº´´ö


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Purpose : Meningeal hemangiopericytoma(M-HPC), characterized by a high local recurrency and metastatic potential, is a rare neoplasm arising from perivascular pericytes. A retrospective study was performed to identify the recurrence and extraneural metastasis in M-HPC.
Materials and Methods : We reviewed the records of 31 M-HPC patients treated from 1982 through 1999 at our institution. The time to recurrence and the various parameters affecting recurrence were determined. Extreneural metastasis was also analyzed.
Results : The rate of local recurrency was 38.7%(12/31). The overall average recurrence-free period(RFP) before the first recurrence was 104 months, with overall recurrence-free rates(RFRs) at 5 and 10 years after first surgery of 59.2% and 33.6%, respectively. Of the 12 patients who experienced local recurrence, 4 had recurrences 5 years later after the first surgery. Complete excision at the first operation significantly extended the average time before first recurrence from 43 to 111 months. The 5-year RFRs for the groups of complete excision and incomplete excision were 72.7% and 20.8%, respectively (p =0. 0060). Although there was no statistical significance, complete¢¥ excision followed by adjuvant radiotherapy of more than 5OGy extended the RFP. The 5-year RFRs for the groups of complete excision and complete excision with adjuvant radiotherapy were 70.3% and 100%, respectively(p=0.3359). Four patients(12.9%) presented one or more extraneural metastases that were developed at an average of 107 months after the first operation with the 5- and 10-year metastasis rates of 4.4% and 24.9%, respectively.
Conclusions : M-HPC has a propensity to recur either locally or at distant sites after surgical resection. Complete excision is the most important factor to reduce recurrence. However, even with complete excision, adjuvant radiotherapy of more than 50Gy significantly reduces the risk of recurrence. Local and distant recurrences may occur after a prolonged disease-free interval, emphasizing the need for long-term follow-up.


Meningeal Hemangiopericytoma;Recurrence;Extraneural Metastasis;Complete Excision;Radiotherapy;¼ö¸· Ç÷°ü¿ÜÇǼ¼Æ÷Á¾;Àç¹ß;½Å°æ°è¿Ü ÀüÀÌ;¿ÏÀü ÀýÁ¦;¹æ»ç¼± Ä¡·á

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