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½ÅÀ̽ÄÈÄ °íÇ÷¾ÐÀÌ À̽ĽŠ»ýÁ¸À²¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ Hypertension in Kidney Transplantation Recipients - Effect on Long-term Renal Allograft Survival -

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Hypertension is a frequent complication after organ transplantation and remains risk
factor for the development of cardiovascular disease and graft dysfunction after renal
transplantation. The prevalence of hypertension after renal transplantation varies from
50% to 93%. There are multiple mechanisms for development of post-transplant
To examine the effects of hypertension on renal allograft survival, we studied the
clinical course of 319 kidney transplant recipients (male : female=231 : 88, mean age=32.5
¡¾10.4 yrs) who had functioning graft at least 6 months. The patients were divided into
three groups : normotensive groups(n=90), controlled hypertensive groups(n=176) and
uncontrolled hypertensive groups(n=53).
Anions 319 patients, 229(72%) were hypertensive at the time of renal transplantation.
The incidence of hypertension decreased progressively to 68%, 65% and 61% at 1, 3 and
5 years after transplantation (p<0.05). The numbers of antihypertensive medication at
the time of operation was 1.35¡¾1.09, which decreased significantly to 0.98¡¾0.76 at 12
months after renal transplantation(p<0.05).
Cumulative graft survival at 5 years for normotensive and controlled hypotensive
patients were 44% and 50% respectively, 20% for uncontrolled hypertensive patients.
The difference of 5 years graft survival between controlled hypertensive and
uncontrolled hypertensive patients was significant (p<0.01), whereas the difference
between the normotensive and controlled hypertensive group was not significant.
We conclude that hypertension per se may not be an important risk factor for renal
graft survival. However, the control of hypertension appear to be a more important risk
factor for renal allograft survival.


Renal transplantation; Hypertension; Graft survival;

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