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½ÉÇÑ °í³ªÆ®·ýÇ÷ÁßÀ» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ Æó¼â¼º ¿ä·Îº´Áõ 1¿¹ A Case of Obstructive Uropathy Accompanied with Severe Hypernatremia

´ëÇѽÅÀåÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.563 ~ 566
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The severe hypernatremia and hyperosmolar dehydration may occur in the patient
with partial urinary tract obstruction. The altered tubular function may be the cause of
hypernatremia, but it is not generally appreciated.
We experienced a case of severe hypernatremia in a 64-year-old male who had
suffered from benign prostate hypertrophy with both hydronephrosis. The mental status
was lethargic and the serum sodium showed severe hypernatremia(193mEq/L). The urine
specific gravity showed hypotonicity. This suggested that the nephrogenic diabetes
insipidus was involved in the pathogenesis of hypernatremia. The hypernatremia may be
aggravated by the avoidance of water intake, which is due to decreased thirst sensorium
in the elderly. The foley catheter was inserted and postobstructive diuresis was
occurred. Initially, the patient was managed with isotonic saline and then with half
saline. The hypernatremia resolved after 10 days and the patient¢¥s status was fully
To our knowledge, this is the first case of obstructive uropathy accompanied with
severe hypernatremia in Korea.


Obstructive uropathy; Hypernatremia; nephrogenic diabetes insipidus;

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