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Primal systemic amyloidosis is a progressive disease that is frequently fatal. Nephrotic
syndrome is present in almost one-third, congestive heart failure in one-quarter, and
peripheral neuropathy in one-sixth of patients at the time of diagnosis. If heart or renal
failure are presented, survival rate is poor.
We experienced a case of a 66 year-old female patient who had complained lower leg
edema and paresthesia of extremities for about 5 months. The laboratory findings were
consistent with nephrotic syndrome, but the lower leg edema was non-pitting and the
cause of paresthesia was unknown. We performed kidney and nerve biopsy and
confirmed a case of primary systemic amyloidosis. In this case, presence of postural
hypotension, probable cardiac involvement and relatively long spikes along the outside of
the glomerular capillary loops on methenamine silver stain is suggestive of poor
prognosis. We can predict chronic renal failure and congestive heart failure in the course
of this case. We report a case of primal systemic amyloidosis predominantly presenting
nephrotic syndrome and peripheral neuropathy with review of related literatures.


Primary systemic amyloidosis; Nephrotic syndrome; Peripheral neuropathy;

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