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¿µ¾ç½ÇÁ¶ CAPD ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ Anabolic Steroid Åõ¿©ÀÇ È¿°ú Anabolic Steroid(AS) on Nutritional Parameters in Malnourished Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis(CAPDI Patients

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Áö¼Ó¼º ¿Ü·¡ º¹¸·Åõ¼®(CAPD) ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ´Ü¹éÁú-¿¡³ÊÁö ¿µ¾ç½ÇÁ¶°¡ ºó¹øÈ÷ °üÂûµÇ¸ç ÀÌ´Â
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´Ü¹éµ¿È­ È£¸£¸ó(anabolic steroid, AS)Àº ¸»±â½ÅºÎÀü ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ºóÇ÷Ä¡·áÁ¦·Î ÀÌ¿ëµÇ¾î ¿ÔÀ¸
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ÀÚ µîÀº CAPDȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ASÅõ¿©°¡ ¿µ¾ç»óŸ¦ ³ªÅ¸³»´Â ÁöÇ¥µé¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â È¿°ú¸¦ ¾Ë¾Æº¸°í
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CAPDȯÀÚ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î nandrolone decanoate¸¦ ¸Å¿ù 200mg ±ÙÁÖÇÏ¿© 12ÁÖ ÀÌ»ó Åõ¿© ¹ÞÀº
11¿¹¿¡¼­ Åõ¿© ÀüÈÄÀÇ ¿µ¾ç»óÅ ÁöÇ¥µéÀ» ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù.
1) Çì¸ð±Û·Îºó ¹× Ç츶ÅäÅ©¸®Æ®´Â ASÅõ¿© ÀüÈÄ °¢°¢ 7.0¡¾0.9 vs. 7.8¡¾1.1g/dl, 20.3¡¾2.8
vs. 23.0¡¾2.8%·Î À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô Áõ°¡ÇÏ¿´´Ù(p<0.05). Ç÷û IGF-1(165.9¡¾71.6 vs. 207.1¡¾
69.5ng/ml, p<0.05), prealbumin(30.1¡¾11.0 vs. 39.3¡¾9.1mg/dl, p<0.05) ±×¸®°í
transferrin(205.4¡¾48.8 vs. 239.6¡¾47.7mg/dl, p<0.05)Àº ¸ðµÎ Åõ¿© Àü¿¡ ºñÇØ ÀÇ¹Ì ÀÖ°Ô Áõ
°¡µÇ¾úÀ¸³ª ¾ËºÎ¹Î, ÃÑ ÀÓÇÁ±¸¼ö, ÄÝ·¹½ºÅ×·ÑÀº º¯È­°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù. Urea nitrogen appearance,
weekly Kt/vurea ¹× Åõ¼®¾× ¾ËºÎ¹Î ¹è¼³·®Àº Åõ¿© ÀüÈÄ·Î º¯È­°¡ ¾ø¾úÀ¸³ª nPCRÀº Åõ¿©
ÈÄ ÀÇ¹Ì ÀÖ´Â Áõ°¡¸¦ º¸¿´´Ù. (0.75¡¾0.15 vs. 0.84¡¾0.15g/kg/day, p<0.05).
2) ÀÎü°èÃø»ó midarm muscle circumference(21.8¡¾3.2 vs. 22.7¡¾3.5cm, p<0.05) ¹× %
lean body mass(57.6¡¾12.7 vs. 60.5¡¾11.4%, .p<0.05)´Â Åõ¿© ÈÄ ÀÇ¹Ì ÀÖ°Ô Áõ°¡ÇÏ¿´À¸³ª
hand grip, triceps skinfold thickness¿Í body mass index´Â Åõ¿© ÀüÈÄ·Î º¯È­°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù.
3) AS Åõ¿© Áß ºÎÀÛ¿ëÀ¸·Î 8¿¹¿¡¼­ ºÎÁ¾ÀÌ ¹ß»ýÇÏ¿´°í ÀÌÁß 2¿¹´Â ½ÉÇÑ ºÎÁ¾ ¹× ÇÑ¿Ü¿©
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ÀÌ»óÀÇ °á°ú·Î AS´Â ´Ü¹é µ¿È­ÀÛ¿ë¿¡ ÀÇÇÏ¿© CAPDȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¿µ¾ç½ÇÁ¶¸¦ ±³Á¤Çϴµ¥ µµ
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»ý¿¡ ÁÖÀÇÇØ¾ß ÇÒ °ÍÀ¸·Î »ý°¢µÈ´Ù.
Protein-energy malnutrition is frequently observed in CAPD patients and is closely
correlated with morbidity and mortality. We investigated the effects of AS on nutritional
parameters in malnourished CAPD Patients. Eleven CAPD patients who were proved to
be malnourished by biochemical and anthropometric measurements, not admitted for 2
months recently, received intramuscularly 200mg of Nandrolone Decanoate, monthly.
After AS was administered for more than 12 weeks, the nutritional parameters were
checked. The mean age of patients was 53.5¡¾9.8(SD) years, the sex ratio was 4:7. The
mean duration of CAPD was 34.5¡¾23.2 months. Three patients were diabetics. The
mean duration of AS administered was 22.0¡¾3.6 weeks. Eight of eleven patients
improved their subjective symptoms such as appetite and muscle strength. There were
significant increases in hemoglobin(7.0¡¾0.9 vs. 7.8¡¾1.1g/dl), hematocrit(20.3¡¾2.8 vs. 23.0
¡¾2.8%), insulin-like growth factor I(165.9¡¾ 71.6 vs. 207.1¡¾69.5ng/ml), prealbumin(30.1¡¾
11.0 vs. 39.3¡¾9.1mg/dl), transferrin(205.4¡¾48.8 vs. 239.6¡¾47.7mg/dl) and nPCR(0.75¡¾
0.15 vs. 0.84¡¾0.15g/kg/day)(p<0.05). There were no changes in albumin, total
lymphocyte, cholesterol, weekly Kt/Vurea, weekly creatinine clearance and urea nitrogen
appearance. On anthropometric measurements, midarm muscle circumference(21.8¡¾3.2 vs.
22.7¡¾3.5cm, p<0.05) and % lean body mass(57.6¡¾12.7 vs. 60.5¡¾11.4%, p<0.05) were
increased, but triceps skinfold thickness, and body mass index were not changed. Edema
was observed in 8 patients 3nd acne was noted in a patient. Severe edema and
ultrafiltration failure were observed in 2 patients. The mean time that edema developed
was 17.614.6 weeks. In conclusion, AS seems to be useful in correcting malnutrition
with their protein anabolic effect in malnourished CAPD patients.


CAPD; Malnutrition; Anabolic steroid;

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