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Hydrochlcrothiazide¿¡ ÀÇÇØ À¯¹ßµÈ ÀǽÄÀÇ º¯È­¸¦ µ¿¹ÝÇÑ ÀüÇØÁú ÀÌ»ó A Case of Bartter-like Syndrome in a Patient of Drug-¡¤induced Interstitial Nephritis Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Fuisz°¡ 1963³â¿¡ óÀ½À¸·Î thiazide°¡ ±âÁ¸ÀÇ Á¤½ÅÀû ÁúȯÀ¸·Î ÀÎÇÏ¿© ´ÙÀ½Áõ(Polydipsia)
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thiazide °è¿­ÀÇ ÀÌ´¢Á¦°¡ ÀϽÃÀûÀ¸·Î ¼öºÐ ¼·Ãë°¡ Áõ°¡µÈ ȯÀÚ³ª Ã浿ÀûÀ¸·Î ¼öºÐ ¼·Ã븦
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Áõ ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ hydrochlorothizide¿¡ ÀÇÇÏ¿© Àú³ªÆ®·ýÇ÷Áõ ¿Ü ÀúÄ®·ýÇ÷Áõ, Àú¸¶±×³×½·Ç÷ÁõÀÌ
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A 59-year-old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis showed hypokalemic metabolic
alkalosis, normotensive hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism and high urinary
prostaglandin level. She was thought to have Bartter's syndrome. But, her kidney
biopsy specimen showed chronic interstitial nephritis. She haute used acetaminophen
containing analgesics for recent three years. So we thought her disease was caused by
drug. But, in this case, clinical manifestations are correspond with Bartter's syndrome
and we haute witnessed a successful respond to kalium replacement, angiotensin
convecting enzyme inhibitor, prostaglandin inhibitor and spironolactone administration.


Bartter-like syndrome; Drug-indu-cod interstitial nephritis;

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