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Renal angiomyolipoma is a rare entity, usually associated with tuberous sclerosis.
Until a few years ago it was almost impossible to arrive at a correct diagnosis
preoperatively, and most of the case underwent nephrectomy with the wrong diagnosis
of renal carcinoma. Recently, abdominal computerized topography and renal sonography
have made it possible to reach the correct preoperative diagnosis in many cases, and
thus to avoid unnecessary nephrectomies.
We herein present a case bilateral renal angiomyolipoma with tuberous sclerosis which
was preoperatively diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound and CT.
A 54 years old women was admitted with pain on the left flank since B months ago.
She has had multiple erythematous papules on the face, a small nodule like fibroma on
the right third toe. Laboratory findings were normal range. Abdominal ultra-sound
revealed multiple, variable sized homogenous hyperechogenic mass in the both kidney.
Abdominal CT scan showed multiple, variable sized low dense mass in both kidney.
Biopsy specimens of the mass of the left kidney revealed fibronecrotic material and
blood clots, in which was no evidence of malign-nancy. Biopsy specimen from the face
revealed adenoma sebaceum.


Renal angiomyolipoma; Tuberous sclerosis; Preoperative diagnosis;

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