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(Polyarteritis nodosa, ÀÌÇÏ PAN)Àº 1866³â Kussmaul°ú Maier¿¡ ÀÇÇØ Ã³À½À¸·Î º¸°íµÇ¾ú
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Ruptured aneurysms complicate the course of polyarteritis nodosa only infrequently.
Most often they occur in renal or mesenteric vessels.
We experienced a case of 48-year old woman with systemic necrotizing vasculitis
who developed multiorgan failure and spontaneous intra-abdominal hemorrhage.
Angiography showed diffuse narrowing and spontaneous hemorrhage of medium and
small sized arteries in visceral and pelvic vasculature. So emergency embolization and
removal of hematoma was done. About 3000cc of blood was collected in the abdominal
cavity, There were fine small aneurysmal dilatations of arteries with multiple collaterals
and they oozed spontaneously. Bleeding small vessels were ligated. Pathologic findings
of the involved arteries showed severe inflammation and necrosis of vessel wall. She
was treated with corticosteroid and cyclophsphamide for one year and achieved
improvement in her clinical status.


Polyarteritis nodosa; Spontaneous hemorrhage;

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