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Excessive exposure to several metallic elements is known to produce a variety of
nephrotoxic syndromes such as glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, interstitial
nephritis, structural and functional abnormalities of proximal tubule resembling the
Fanconi's syndrome and acute tubular necrosis. Although the pulmonary toxicities of
silicon are relatively well documented as a cause of silicoproteinosis and lung fibrosis
after acute and chronic exposure to free silica(SiO2), but is little known
about the nephrotoxicity of this trace element. Clinical manifestations of silicon
nephrotoxicity are similar to other heavy metal nephropathy as proteinuria, hematuria,
active urinary sediments and renal failure. Diagnosis of silicon nephropathy is based on
distinct exposure history to silica, variable degree of renal dysfunction and characteristic
histologic findings such as cytoplasmic vacuoles and dense membrane-enclosed
cytoplasmic bodies which is resembling lysosomes in proximal tubular cells.426-year-old
man with ingestion of Silicon compound(SiO2-NaOCO3)
developed acute renal failure due to acute tubular necrosis. And he was recovered with
conservative management to acute renal failure. So we report this case with a brief
review of literature.


Silicon; Acute renal failure; Lysosomes;

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