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Astigmatic change in planned extracapsular cataract extraction(P-ECCE) using
temporal scleral incision (n=25 eyes) was compared for 2 months with that using
superior scleral incision (n=19 eyes), retrospectively. The astigmatic change was
analyzed using Naeser's polar value. Surgically induced astigmatism induced by temporal
scleral incision was 0.96¡¾1.36D of with the rule(WTR), 2.35¡¾1.36D(WTR), and 2.45¡¾
1.24(WTR) at 3 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months, respectively. In contrast, that induced by
superior scleral incision was 2.29¡¾2.30D(WTR), 0.76¡¾2.39(WTR) and -0.95¡¾1.88D of
against the rule(ATR) at 3 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months, respectively. In another words,
temporal scleral incision in P-ECCE induced WTR astigmatism as early as postoperative
3 days that incerased by 2 weeks and stabilized after 2 weeks, whereas superior scleral
incision in P-ECCE induced a prominent WTR astigmatism as early as postoperative 3
days, that was converted to ATR astigmatism from 1 month and increased the change
by 2 months. With this result, it was found that most cataract patients existing ATR
astigmatism would be candidates for temporal incision in P-ECCE.


Corneal Astigmatic Change; Planned Extracapsular Cataract Extraction; Temporal Scleral Incision;

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