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Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of an eye drop chart and to determine the factors contributing to adherence enhancement using the eye drop chart.

Methods: In this prospective study, enrolled glaucoma patients were educated on the administration of eye drops and use of the eye drop chart. They were required to complete a questionnaire on demographic characteristics and adherence. After 3 months, they completed a second questionnaire on adherence and satisfaction with the use of the eye drop chart. Changes in instillation behavior, relationships between performance scores and demographic characteristics, as well as factors contributing to the improvement of performance scores were analyzed.

Results: Forty-seven patients were enrolled in this study. The performance scores were significantly better for those who administered the eye drops by themselves (p = 0.002), those with an annual income > 60 million won (p = 0.036), and patients with at least a college degree (p = 0.002). After using the eye drop chart for 3 months, the average intraocular pressure was significantly reduced (p = 0.041) and the performance score was improved (p = 0.019). The working area (p = 0.009) and eye drop applicator (p = 0.001) were correlated with performance score enhancement.

Conclusions: The eye drop chart was a cost-effective tool for improving the adherence and instillation practices of glaucoma patients. Adherence was improved among patients with more indoor activity, and those who practiced self-instillation. It is expected that the respective conditions of such patients would be more efficiently improved in a clinical setting.


Adherence; Education; Eye drop chart; Glaucoma medication

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