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Purpose: To investigate the recovery period of overcorrection and related factors after surgery in pediatric patients with basic intermittent exotropia (XT).

Methods: Retrospective chart reviews of the medical records of patients who underwent bilateral lateral rectus recession for basic XT were analyzed. Preoperative age, sex, angle of deviation (prism diopters [PD]), and suppression at distance were measured. Patients were observed every week when the angle of deviation was > 2 PD of overcorrection at postoperative day 1. Recovery of overcorrection was defined as improvement of overcorrection with orthotropia. Patients were divided into two groups according to age: younger (group 1) and older (group 2) than 10 years of age. Success was defined as an angle of deviation between 10 PD of exodeviation and 5 PD of esodeviation at the final visit.

Results: A total of 88 patients were included. At postoperative day 1, the angle of deviation at distance was -6.9 ¡¾ 2.2 PD, and the near angle of deviation was -6.9 ¡¾ 2.4 PD. Esodeviation presented as a minus value. The recovery period of overcorrection was 1.9 ¡¾ 3.9 weeks and the success rate was 80.7% (71 patients). The success rates of group 1 and group 2 were not statistically significant (p = 0.51). The recovery period of overcorrection in group 2 (2.7 ¡¾ 5.9 weeks) was significantly longer than in group 1 (1.8 ¡¾ 3.4 weeks) (p = 0.02).

Conclusions: In pediatric adolescents with basic XT, the surgical success rates did not differ significantly according to age, but recovery of overcorrection after strabismus surgery took longer in patients ¡Ã 10 years of age.


Intermittent exotropia; Overcorrection; Pediatric adolescents

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